1. FakeUpdate: http://fakeupdate.net/
Different Update screens that you can choose from to make believe that the computer is updating or crashed.
2. The Most Amazing Website On The Internet: http://www.themostamazingwebsiteontheinternet.com/
Just like the old days of the internet.
3. CursorDisco: http://cursordisco.com/
Your victim will come back to find their computer has thrown a party in their absence.
4. Republique Des Mangues: http://www.republiquedesmangues.fr/
Nothing to do here.
5. LikeCreeper: http://likecreeper.com/
It requires your victim to be logged in to Instagram and then it will like random old photos from their friends.
6. PickleDonkeyKnife: http://www.pickledonkeyknife.com/
7. nCage: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ncage/hnbmfljfohghaepamnfokgggaejlmfol
Already covered in: Explore The Solar System! -- DONG
8. Cenafy: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/cenafy/ndchmakhfaakbkhnkdgambadneloplnn
At random times it will launch John Cena on your screen.
7. nCage: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ncage/hnbmfljfohghaepamnfokgggaejlmfol
Already covered in: Explore The Solar System! -- DONG
8. Cenafy: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/cenafy/ndchmakhfaakbkhnkdgambadneloplnn
At random times it will launch John Cena on your screen.
9. April First Prank Toolkit: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/april-first-prank-toolkit/fjbpodpalenaeamobdjpcbkhalonpopk
You can choose from different pranks, like censoring every text, turning images upside down, or you can even redirect Google to Bing, you little demon.
10. Word Replacer II: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/word-replacer-ii/djakfbefalbkkdgnhkkdiihelkjdpbfh
Kind of like the iPhone's corrector you can input words or phrases that you would like to change when someone types it.
11. XKCD Substitutions: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/xkcd-substitutions/jkgogmboalmaijfgfhfepckdgjeopfhk
This does something similar to the one above but this changes text already on the screen to some substitutions, as the extension says it's great to read the news like this.
12. No Scroll Bars Please!: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/no-scroll-bars-please/ahnbemfjhoibkhlijfbbjdjafbmhimdn
I don't know how this would affect anybody since a lot of people can scroll from the mouse now...
You can choose from different pranks, like censoring every text, turning images upside down, or you can even redirect Google to Bing, you little demon.
10. Word Replacer II: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/word-replacer-ii/djakfbefalbkkdgnhkkdiihelkjdpbfh
Kind of like the iPhone's corrector you can input words or phrases that you would like to change when someone types it.
11. XKCD Substitutions: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/xkcd-substitutions/jkgogmboalmaijfgfhfepckdgjeopfhk
This does something similar to the one above but this changes text already on the screen to some substitutions, as the extension says it's great to read the news like this.
12. No Scroll Bars Please!: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/no-scroll-bars-please/ahnbemfjhoibkhlijfbbjdjafbmhimdn
I don't know how this would affect anybody since a lot of people can scroll from the mouse now...