1. Nice One Dad: http://niceonedad.com
A variety of dad jokes online.
2. Land Lines: https://lines.chromeexperiments.com
The site matches a place on earth to whatever you draw.
3. How Do Things Fly?: http://howthingsfly.si.edu
This site explains the variables that affect flight. You can create your own plane as well.
4. Toonator: http://toonator.com/draw/
You can create your own digital flipbook.
5. Test Your Vision: https://www.essilor.com/en/vision-tests/test-your-vision/
It has no diagnostic value but maybe it'll help you detect any sight problems.
6. A Way To Go: http://a-way-to-go.com
Go on a walk with this square-headed guy and explore.
7. Filler: http://www.physicsgames.com/action-games_filler/
Puzzle game where you have to fill 2/3 of the space given by creating balls.
8. Simon Says: http://www.freegames.ws/games/kidsgames/simon/mysimon.htm
Simon says memory game. I don't think it needs more explanation.
9. Cube Runner: http://www.game5.com.de/cuberunner/index.html
A game that takes you through a tunnel of squares where you have to avoid the cubes.