1. New Year Exercise: http://www.newyearexercise.com/
"Do you wanna burn calories? This is the correct way to do it."
2. Put You in a Better Mood: http://www.putyouinabettermood.com/
"A website filled with adorable animals."
3. Face Substitution: http://auduno.github.io/clmtrackr/examples/facesubstitution.html
"Uses your webcam to fit and track a facial model onto you."
4. My 90s TV: http://www.my90stv.com/
"From the creators of "My 80's TV" covered in: From: "Online GAME BOY CAMERA and more!! --- DONG"."
5. Pause Ahead: http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/628969
"You use your pausing power to get ahead."
6. Catlateral Damage: http://www.catlateraldamage.com/play
"FPCat Simulator, screw this, screw that, and this too."
7. Cat Ninja: http://trackmill.com/cat-ninja/@cat-ninja
"It has you avoiding lasers, spikes, changing gravity and you can use a Jetpack!."
8. Dojo of Death: http://www.kongregate.com/games/nicotuason/dojo-of-death
"The one with the toughest job would be the janitor of the place."
9. Where Does Coffee Come From: http://www.bizbrain.org/coffee/
"Explains every step in the making of Coffee."
10. Google Art Project: https://www.google.com/maps/views/view/streetview/art-project/american-art-museum-smithsonian/YJzfS8912EA9j-IV9nt7zA?gl=us&heading=187&pitch=99&fovy=75
"Just like Google's Streetview you can virtually tour different Museums."
11. Tentacles: http://grantkot.com/tentacles.html
"Change the number of segments, their lenght or the frequency to create things like this."
12. Pattern Library: http://thepatternlibrary.com/#%E8%BC%AA%E7%B4%8B
"Patterns by different designers that anyone can use."
13. Emojis IRL: http://emojiirllol.tumblr.com/
"Replicate the ones you find on your phone."
14. Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows: http://www.dictionaryofobscuresorrows.com/
"You can find definitions of certain words, all of them based on etimology."
15. Origins of UI Symbols: https://readymag.com/shuffle/ui-symbols/
"The site walks you through 11 well-known symbols and where they come from."
16. Music Timeline: http://research.google.com/bigpicture/music/
"See what music was popular when you were born."
17. Gradient Forest: http://vincemckelvie.com/gradientforest/
18. Calm.com: http://www.calm.com/
"Choose your background and music so you can relax."
19. Second Amendment: http://ramirocorbetta.com/2a/
"A game within a game."
20. Font Bomb: http://fontbomb.ilex.ca/
"Bomb the text of whatever page your on."
21. Morse Code Translator: http://morsecode.scphillips.com/translator.html
"-.. --- / --- -. .-.. .. -. . / -. --- .-- / --. ..- -.-- ..."
22. Conference Call Simulator: http://conferencecall.biz/
"Ah, like a good ol' day at the office."
23. PassWeird: http://www.passweird.com/
"This website will create for you a password that is not only secure, but is also so utterly repulsive."
24. Webcam Toy: http://webcamtoy.com/app/?app=html5&ref=ce
"Probably you have seen this on Facebook, it let's you choose between a variety of effects for your webcam."
25. Colour Magician: http://www.colourmagician.com/
"All you need to know about the humble cuttlefish."
26. Robots Are People Too: http://raptjs.com/play/#/rapt/Intro_1/
"A platformer where you and a partner share a keyboard to get your robots to victory."
27. Mini Commando: http://www.kongregate.com/games/BeGamerCom/mini-commando
"A short but really well-done point-and-click action game where you kill nazis to rescue your family."