1. Bummer Sauce: http://bummersauce.com/
Bummersauce, man :/
2. Jason Davies Map Projections: https://www.jasondavies.com/maps/
The site is full of fantastic and illuminating ways to turn our 3D planet into a flat 2D thing.
3. Breakbot Music Video: http://breakbot.pagesjaunes.fr/
Interactive music video, which you can pause at any time and find out about the people involved in that particular moment.
4. Easy Poem: http://www.aipoem.com/easypoem/
Here you fill in blanks with words of your choice and the site creates a poem with that, similar to mad libs.
5. The Measure of Things: http://www.bluebulbprojects.com/measureofthings/
A website that helps you conceptualize the magnitude of sizes and amounts, puts any measurement you give it into context to compare.
6. Endless Photo: http://www.photospiralysis.com/Epsilon/Epsilon.html
Upload a photo to create the droste effect, an image that contains itself containing itself.
7. Space Dashboard: http://spacedashboard.com/
Widgets that give you a lot of information about space right now, like live feed from the ISS, how many people are in space right now and where the planet is.
8. 3D Periodic Table: http://graphoverflow.com/graphs/3d-periodic-table.html
This awesome website shows you the periodic table in 3D form but also you can see each element's individual atom animation.
9. Intelligence Test: http://intelligence-test.net/part1/
You are given the first letters of the word on a phrase as clues, is up to you to find out what they really mean.
10. Rotopo: https://rotopo.com/
This site allows you to steer a cute little thing away from falling off the path, you cannot touch a square twice.
11. National Parks Exploration: https://artsandculture.withgoogle.com/en-us/
You are taught about incredible and remote locations via 3D view with the narration of a park ranger.
12. Become Sand: https://lab.cheron.works/webgl-gpgpu-particles/
This website accesses your camera rendering you into trippy grains of real-time flowing sand.
13. Discover Your Patronus: https://my.pottermore.com/patronus
Fan of Harry Potter? Just as Harry you can find out what your patronus is just by answering some questions.