1. Dodge the Dot: http://gprime.net/game.php/dodgethedot
"Compilation of videos where a specific thing is done like, deaths of a certain actor, a cliché in movies, etc."
2. Klikwerk: http://www.bartbonte.com/klikwerk/
"Awesome game, I really liked it you have to follow the instructions to the beat."
3. Zombotron: http://armorgames.com/play/12000/zombotron
"Another (pretty cool) zombie game, YEAH!"
4. Troll Face The Game: http://www.thegamehomepage.com/play/trollface-the-game/
"Let me know how far you get."
5. Enough Plumbers: http://www.notdoppler.com/enoughplumbers.php
"A creative game where collecting coins clones you."
6. Ferry Halm's Games: http://www.ferryhalim.com/orisinal/
"A collection of simple games, pretty cool."
7. All Time 10s: http://www.youtube.com/user/alltime10s
"Facts about pretty much everything organized in top ten lists."
8. Disco: http://www.youtube.com/disco
"Type the name of a band and let YouTube create a playlist for you, how didn't I know this before?!"
9. EDU: http://www.youtube.com/education
"A place where educational videos are arranged by topic."
10. Newton: http://www.newton.dep.anl.gov/
"Filled with scientific questions answered by volunteer scientists."
11. TOPICS: http://www.youtube.com/topics
"Covers the hottest topics of the moment."
12. TRENDS: http://youtube-trends.blogspot.com/
"Surfaces what's rising in popularity."
13. Alter Ego: http://www.playalterego.com/alterego
"A text based game where you make decisions that affect your personality and relationships."
14. Photo to Text: http://photo2text.com/
"You can upload any picture you want and you get back some ASCII art."
15. Nyan Cat Snake: http://snake-nyan-cat.com/
"Collect the cherries, avoid your tail."
16. Solar Beat: http://www.whitevinyldesign.com/solarbeat/
"Listen to the tune the planets make while orbiting our sun."