1. Google Gravity: http://mrdoob.com/projects/chromeexpe...
"Search stuff in a fun way, it collapses as soon as your mouse touches but remains usable."
2. Caffeine: http://www.energyfiend.com/death-by-caffeine
"You pick your favorite drink, your weight, and it tells you how many you should drink in order to die."
3. Multitask: http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view...
"The more you play, the more things you have to do, controlling each game with different keys."
4. Headsmashing Game: http://www.kongregate.com/games/Matok...
"Press left, then right, the more you hit your head the trippier the game will become."
5. WORLD'S BIGGEST PACMAN http://worldsbiggestpacman.com/
"Choose any board to play, if you escape to the side you switch boards."
6. Anti-Pacman: http://www.playzgame.com/online-flash...
"Now it's your time to be a ghost and eat Pac-Man."
7. Girl Talk: http://mashupbreakdown.com/
"It shows you a mash-up and it tells from what song is the sample taken."
8. Music by the dots: http://collegehumor.com/i/musical-dots
"Make your own music only by selecting some dots."
9. Auditorium: http://www.playauditorium.com/
"You have to manipulate arrows to direct energy into boxes to hear new instruments."
10. Anasomnia http://www.anasomnia.com/
"It uses your webcam to detect brightness, if you turn off the lights, the little girl will begin dreaming, turn them on and she'll wake up."
11. Psychopaint: http://www.psykopaint.com/
"Paint anything you want while mimicking the brush-strokes of famous painters."