1. Don't Pop It: http://www.dontpopit.com/
"One simple task."
2. Let's Just Wait: http://letsjustwait.com/
"Ok, this is taking a while."
3. Rap Board: http://www.therapboard.com/
"Soundboard of different rappers."
4. Every Last Drop: http://everylastdrop.co.uk/
"Facts about water usage in the UK."
5. 150 Gigapixel Photo of Tokyo: http://360gigapixels.com/tokyo-tower-panorama-photo/
"Made of up 10,000 images and it took 12 weeks to stitch together."
6. Mt. Fuji Street View: https://www.google.com/maps/preview?q=google&ll=35.366113,138.732181&spn=0.001931,0.004128&hq=google&hnear=Taunton,+Massachusetts&t=m&z=19&layer=c&cbll=35.366116,138.73215&panoid=sxA5IEil3aLC1vtd0Mo52A&cbp=12,30.48,,0,0.06
"Go hiking and enjoy the view of Mt. Fuji."
7. Super Pixel Time: http://www.superpixeltime.com/
"Would you like to feel a bit more 8-bit-like?"
8. Neon Flames: http://29a.ch/sandbox/2011/neonflames/
"Let's you paint with "flames", great to create your own wallpaper."
9. Listen to Wikipedia: http://listen.hatnote.com/#nowelcomes,en
"Bells indicate an addition to an article and strings represent a substraction."
10. Human Chop: http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/622748
"You have to crush the people with characteristics of the society."
11. Sinuous: http://www.sinuousgame.com/
"Already covered in "Slow-Mo Hand in MOUSETRAP! ... And DONGs"."
12. Bootube: http://www.boootube.com/
"Takes away all the awesome videos and feeds you only the worst rated ones."
13. Cook Your Pet: http://cookyourpet.com/
"No, thank you."
14. Icarus Proudbottom Teaches Typing: http://www.holywowstudios.com/teachestyping/
"Haha, awesome game. You have to type your way through but please reach the END!."
15. Draw With Text: http://tholman.com/texter/
"Pick your font, the size, the words and then draw."
16. R2D2 Translator: http://www.r2d2translator.com/
17. Hollywood Tech Jargon Generator: http://shinytoylabs.com/jargon/#
"It makes no sense, just like in the movies."
18. Emoji Tracker: http://www.emojitracker.com/
"How many times has an emoji been used in twitter?"
19. Ripple Dot Zero: http://rippledotzero.com/
"You play a genetically modified battle penguin to escape the laboratory that depraved you of your body."
20. Key Chords: http://www.drumbot.com/projects/key_chords/
"Experiment with chords right here if you do not have a guitar in hand."
21. Zip: http://www.teradem.net/HTML5/Zip/
"A tiny adorable creature jumping through multicolor boxes in order to reach the target."
22. No Idea: http://wxs.ca/iso/
"I have no idea what it is but is really cool."
23. Daylight Hours Explorer: http://astro.unl.edu/classaction/animations/coordsmotion/daylighthoursexplorer.html
"See how much sun you will see in a certain day, select the latitude and the day."
24. Hunting Arrows: http://open.adaptedstudio.com/hunting_arrows/
"Direct the color arrows away from the black ones."
25. Baker Cat: http://www.belarr.com/bakercat/
"The rulers of the internet."
26. I'm Not Getting Out of Bed: http://www.nobodyhere.com/justme/bed.here
"I'll get up tomorrow."
27. Britney Spears Guide to Physics: http://britneyspears.ac/lasers.htm
"Don't believe everything that you see on the internet."
28. A Breathing Earth: http://uxblog.idvsolutions.com/2013/07/a-breathing-earth.html
"One year of seasonal transformations on Earth."
29. Actual Radio: http://tunetheradio.webs.com/
30. Lemmings: http://bombsite.org/jslems/
"Remember the old game of Lemmings?"
31. Creepy Girl: http://www.cubo.cc/creepygirl/
"Creepy girl, indeed."
32. Humanatee: http://www.humanatee.com/