1.Pop VS Soda: http://www.popvssoda.com/
"This interactive map shows who calls it what in USA."
2. Blocked in China: http://www.blockedinchina.net/
"You can find what websites are inaccesible to the people in the Republic of China ."
3. Particle Text: http://william.hoza.us/text/?t=Hello
"Creates a word with a bunch of particles to play around with."
4. Things Cicadas Missed: http://thingscicadasmissed.com/
"See what's been going on since 1996."
5. Audio of a Cicada Being Annoying: https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=mah26og11ms#t=15s
"Listen to the annoying sound of this insects."
6. Gizoogle: http://gizoogle.net/
"The search engine that gangstifies everything."
7. Nuke Map: http://www.nuclearsecrecy.com/nukemap/
"Choose the target and explosive impact and look at the damage it would cause."
8. Impending Doom Clock: http://www.impendingdoom.com/
"Estimated time until the humanity gets exterminated by... something."
9. GeoGuessr: http://geoguessr.com/
"Cool game that puts you somewhere and you have to guess where in the world you are with google maps."
10. Watch Grass Grow: http://www.watching-grass-grow.com/
"WARNING: Only for extreme cases of Boredom."
11. Itch a Skitch: http://itchaskitch.com/
"Online Etch-a-sketch."
12. Discovery Virtual Tour: http://360vr.com/2011/06/22-discovery-flight-deck-opf_6236/
"360° virtual tour of Discovery's flight deck."
13. Captain Forever: http://www.captainforever.com/captainforever.php
"You have to create your own spacecraft out of modules, boosters and lasers."
14. Awesome Captain Forever Ship: http://www.captainforever.com/captainforever.php?cfe=nqlbq1nagr5xa2rt1wlot2p0uhnejnzhs5xczigdxzrugd1zhttjdfhheynurgdykrtg41zmbm1uolg2xpyrgdwkrujpjkh2vjfrls2xo2ridwzoclcjrh2a1a2lr5wa2r20wlo2qp0ognejayhs5wckilcxzr2f41rgtcjoemhjvnkr3pxxo2h11rlbo1q3lg2vpjrlcwkoq1pjrg2vjpilsjvq3ry0v0opksjzg2a1bthw2wdoib0wwob1p1agpa1nafrexm3rt15lruwc0olprjatgsjwk2rjp5joax0
"A pre-created ship from the previous game."
15. Neverending Playlist: http://neverendingplaylist.com/
"Type in the artist you want to listen to and the website compiles a video playlist of their most popular songs."
16. Seaquence: http://seaquence.org/
"Already covered in: "Things To Do Online #18 -- DONG!"."
17. Chordify: http://chordify.net/
"You can upload any song and find the chords you need to play it."
18. Dying Links: http://dyinglinks.com/
"It creates a short-form url but let's you choose how long the link will exist for or how many times can be clicked." I'll put this link with a limit of 50 clicks, are you lucky?: http://dyi.li/4AF
19. I Love You Like a Fat Lady Loves Apples: http://iloveyoulikeafatladylovesapples.com/
"How romantic."
20. Fly Guy: http://www.trevorvanmeter.com/flyguy/flyGuy.swf
"A game that has you flying through the sky and interacting with different characters."
21. Ninja Game Generator: http://ninja.yougetcake.com/
"Well, you get it."
22. Objection! Generator: http://objection.mrdictionary.net/index.php
"You know, that meme and... yeah." Here's my example: http://objection.mrdictionary.net/go.php?n=7212449
23. Strobe Illusion: http://neave.com/strobe/
"Start hallucinating with this thing."
24. Binary Translator: http://nickciske.com/tools/binary.php/
25. Tearable Cloth: http://codepen.io/suffick/pen/KrAwx
"Simulation of a cloth that you can program yourself and then destroy it with your mouse."
26. Tornado and More: http://roxik.com/toy1.html
"Ever wanted to be the one who decides who lives and who dies?"
27. Stack of Bears: http://www.nobodyhere.com/gfx/toren.swf
"Creepy game, hover the mouse over one to knock him and see the chain reaction it causes."
28. Prism Colors: http://www.intotime.us/
"Watch colors changing in this website, click randomly to create a prism and your own "masterpiece"."