1. Random Ideas: http://random-idea.com/
"In case you find yourself bored in the real world gives you ideas of what you can do."
2. Traffic Light Game: http://www.gamesfreak.net/games/I-Love-Traffic_3649.html
"You control traffic lights, you let through certain number of cars, avoid collisions."
3. Watch CyberAtacks Around The World In Real-Time: http://map.honeycloud.net/
"The red dots represent attacks and the yellow dots are censors."
4. Make Everything Okay: http://make-everything-ok.com/
"Is something wrong? Make everything ok now."
5. Glooples: http://www.onemorelevel.com/game/amorphous
"You have to kill different glooples before they kill you, your weapon is a large sword, like Cloud's."
6. Music Maker: http://labs.dinahmoe.com/plink/
"AWESOME! you make music with random strangers, select your sound and sync with others."
7. You Rather: http://yourather.com/
"Who hasn't played this game?."
8. Interactive Wikipedia Map of the World: http://visual.ly/wikipedia-map?view=true
"You can click anywhere in the map and you'll be directed to its wikipedia article."
9. Clock: http://www.cybersalt.org/images/stories/swf/clocks/ringclock.swf
"Cool clock design."
10. Time Is: http://time.is/
"You can see how accurate is your clock right now."
11. Soundcloud Comment Visualization: http://www.mrdoob.com/lab/javascript/commentsvisualiser/
"Turns the Soundcloud comments into a cool visualization."
12. Deformations: http://www.mrdoob.com/#/124/plane_deformations
"The deformity follows your mouse."
13. Ball Droppings: http://balldroppings.com/js/
"Got balls? Make music with them."
14. Ragdoll: http://www.ragdollsoft.com/ragdollavalanche/
"Throw him around before it gets cool in half by falling spikes."
15. Instant Origami: http://www.instant-origami.com/
"Funny way to make Origami."
16. Escape: http://www.kongregate.com/games/IncredibleApe/escape
"You have to escape death from lasers and electricity by jumping on walls."
17. Slogan Maker: http://sloganmaker.com/
"Need ideas for a slogan?"