1. Guy Forces His Wife To Dress In a Garbage Bag For The Next Three Years: http://guyforceshiswifetodressinagarbagebagforthenextthreeyears.com/
"As seen on How I Met Your Mother."
2. Yes, No, Maybe: http://yesnomaybe.info/
"May help you come to a decision."
3. The Faces of Facebook: http://app.thefacesoffacebook.com/
"Creates a mosaic of the over 1.2 billion profile pictures on Facebook ."
4. Sick Weather: http://www.sickweather.com/live-map.php
"Sick weather uses certain phrases from people's social media to create a Doppler-esque map tracking who may be ill.."
5. SuperHot: http://superhotgame.com/
"Awesome game, time only moves when you move. WAITING FOR THE FINAL RELEASE!"
6. cmd.fm: https://cmd.fm/
"An internet radio that recreates a computer's terminal, type in the genre you want to hear."
7. Tesla Defense: http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/606674/
"A tower defense game where you zap your opponents to dust. "
8. War of the Currents: http://www.pbs.org/tesla/ll/ll_warcur.html
"Article talking about the differences that Tesla and Edison had."
9. Does the Dog Die?: http://www.doesthedogdie.com/
"A website that ranks movies based on if a pet died or got ill."
10. Sloth Adventure: http://www.sugartoast.com/game/sloth_adventure
"You have to get the sloth to his leaf... eventually."
11. Floating Shiny Knot: http://www.clicktorelease.com/code/streetViewReflectionMapping/
"It uses google street view in whatever location you give it to create a really cool reflection."
12. Map Dive: http://mapdive.weareinstrument.com/
"It uses google maps to generate levels based on landmarks, you skydive collecting stars and getting to your target."
13. Inside Insides: http://www.insideinsides.blogspot.com/
"MRIs of food (GIFs)."
14. Rainy Day Simulator: http://maroslaw.github.io/rainyday.js/demo2.html
"It's actually pretty."
15. Noise Generator: http://mynoise.net/noiseMachines.php
"Make the perfect fireplace or rain noise with just the right amount of thunder."
16. Ultimate Tic Tac Toe: http://bejofo.net/ttt
"You send thema unique URL and once they join, you have to win 3 games of tic tac toe that you play at the same time."
17. Multicolor Search: http://labs.tineye.com/multicolr/
"Once you pick the color you want, it goes through a a collection of 10 million photos choosing the ones that match."
18. RED: http://www.gamingdelight.com/games/red.swf
"You have to protect your base by shooting giant balls falling from the sky."
19. Axon: http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/592325/
"You have to click through different proteins as fast as you can."
20. MTA.me: http://mta.me/
"It recreates the paths of NYC train lines using real time departures and when they cross the create music."
21. Icarus Needs: http://www.kongregate.com/games/Stillmerlin/icarus-needs
"Interactive story that has you fulfilling what icarus needs."
22. Roll It: http://chrome.com/campaigns/rollit
"You sync your phone to your browser and play skee-ball with it. Really cool! "
23. Number: http://www.glaielgames.com/number/
"You just click... forever."
24. How Many Earths: http://exoplanets.newscientistapps.com/
"Interesting guide that puts into perspective how many exoplanets there are."
25. The Scrolling Man: http://www.aronsommer.com/works/thescrollingman/
"Sometimes I don't even know what the hell..."
26. Clip Arts: http://oliverlaric.com/787cliparts.htm
"So this is a video that loops matching pictures kind of evolution-stlye"
27. Universe Within: http://www.universewithin.net/
"Explore our recursive universes while you go deeper, avoid the things that want to kill you. "
28. Ducks are the best: http://ducksarethebest.com/
"Ducks are fowls."
29. I could not stop: http://www.dhteumeuleu.com/i-could-not-stop
"I'm not sure if there's an objective here or what."
30. McDonald's Secret Menu: http://mcdonaldssecretmenu.com/
31. 8chan: http://www.8chan.net/
"I'm not sure if this was supposed to do anything but I'm guessing it's down"
32. Introduction to Lockpicking: http://toool.us/deviant/
"You know, for when you lose "your keys"."