
Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Would You Let Him In? -- DONG (January 20 2017)

1. I am Awesome:

Now go get 'em, tiger.

​2. Grammar Games:

This website is full of exercises that teach you about commas, apostrophes and all of that good stuff.

3. Sven the Bouncer:

You must answer three questions correctly so that Sven lets you in.  (Chrome required).

4. 14 Highest Mountains:

We are given the 14 highest mountains, with trivia and the most common routes to climb them.

5. Klocki:

A puzzle game where you try to connect lines by swapping the squares.

​6. Satellite's Orbiting Earth:

Interactive graphic of every active satellite orbiting earth.

​7. Browser Ball:

You can throw this ball across every window you create.

​8. Water Simulation:

Water simulation that lets you change some settings and manipulate the ball, you need a good graphic card.

9. Path Tracing:

Another simulation by the same creator, in which you can control the light source, the material of the objects and the objects in the room.

​10. Jellyfish Particles:

​​​Just a Jellyfish simulation...