
Tuesday, April 12, 2016

How Coordinated Are You? (April 7 2016)

You fire your rays down to toast the beach-goers.

​2. Canabalt:

Escape as the city collapses around you.

3. Sprinter:

Start by taking out the kids in your class and eventually the galaxy in a series of 100m sprints.

​4. Gold Miner:

Time your claw to pick up as much gold as you can.

5. Hungry Blocks:

Similar to but with blocks.

​6. Flabby Physics:

Press space to contract the blob to propulse the ball onto the star.

7. Fat Slice:

Chop the shape up into a small amount keeping the balls together.

8. People Bucket:

Throw people into the bucket.

9. Unique:

Identify the unique figure.

​10. Cryptaris Mission:

A simulated game that test skills similar to those used in the military.

​11. Pixel Legions:

Move your legion of pixels in order to conquer the whole space.

12. Ball Game:

Don't let the gray balls push you out of the square.

13. Paper Venture:

Help this little guy get to the door by controlling one platform only using your mouse.

14. Red Remover:

Coordinate which blocks you have to remove in order to keep the green squares alive.