
Thursday, March 10, 2016

11 Classic Video Games You Can Play Online! (March 4 2016)

I'm pretty sure I won't even need to give a description for most of these.

​2. Oregon Trail:

Oregon Trail is a video game that was designed to teach children about the things that happened in the real Oregon Trail.

3. Atari:

A collection of Atari games free to play some even with improved graphics.

​4. Snake? SNAKEEEEE!:

Snake with 3 levels to choose from.

5. Pac-Man:

Do I really need to explain this one?

6. Tetris:

Or this one?

7. Minesweeper:

It's just like having Windows XP again.

8. Super Mario Crossover:

A bit more classical version of Super Mario although that with some other characters to choose from.

9. Super Mario Crossover UPDATED:

Already covered in: WIN Videogames BY KISSING??!! And 10 More Awesome FLASH GAMES.

​10. Street Fighter II: Champion Edition:


​11. Flash Flash Revolution:

Not as fun since you have to play with your keyboard.